Lab Facilities

Turbulent Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel
In-house designed, 3D-printed wind tunnel to generate fully developed turbulent boundary layers (TBLs) in the test section.
Wind tunnel length: 4 m
Test section: 400 mm (width) x 50 mm (height) x 500 mm (length)
Fully developed TBLs thickness: 25 mm
Axial fan: FKD 16-XL inline fan (Max 4,274 CFM) - Data & Dimensions
Tunnel velocity: 3 m/s ~ 20 m/s
Channel Reynolds number (ReD): 17,000 ~ 88,000
Friction Reynolds number (Re_tau): 250 ~ 1,000

Convection Heat Transfer Wind Tunnel
In-house designed, 3D-printed wind tunnel for internal flow convection heat transfer experiments.
Wind tunnel length: 2 m
Test section: 22 mm (width) x 22 mm (height) x 400 mm (length)
Flow meter: Air & Oxygen mass flow meters - Specs & User's Manual
Axial fan: Ruck 14" Prime Evo EC (Max 1,930 CFM) - Data & Dimensions
Power supply: Siglent Technologies SPD3303C DC Power Supply
Tunnel velocity: 0 ~ 3 m/s
Channel Reynolds number (ReD): ~ 3,616

External Flow Wind Tunnel
Test section: 11.5" (width) x 11.5" (Height) x 19" (length)
Tunnel velocity: 0 ~ 40 mph

2D Particle Image Velocimetry
Vendor: TSI Incorporated
Camera: Nikon Powerview 9MP camera
Laser: EverGreen Nd:YAG pulsed laser (200 mJ/pulse @15 Hz and 532 nm)​​
- Brochure​
Software: 4G Insight & TecPlot
Synchronizer: LaserPulse™ Synchronizer Model 610036
Particle generator: TSI oil droplet generator 9307-6
Work station: Dell Intel dual Xeon silver 8 core, 3 GHz processors, 512GB SSD, 2TB hard drive (7,200 rpm), 32 GB Ram, Windows 10 Pro
High Speed Infrared Camera
Resolution: 640 x 480 pixels
Frame rate (full window): 50 Hz
Max frame rate (at min window of 620 x 120): 200 Hz
Lens: 45 FOV
Software: ResearchIR Max

Single Point Laser Doppler Vibrometer
Max frequency: 22 kHz
Max velocity resolution: 0.02 um/s

Shear Stress Sensor
Model type: CS-0510
Calibration data (updated on May 2022)
Max shear stress: 10 Pa
Dynamic sensitivity (calibrated): 290 mV/Pa
Resolution: 0.1 mPa
Bandwidth: 0.75 kHz
Digital Micro Manometer
Resolution: 0.001 Pa

Data Acquisition & Generation Devices
Function generator: Tektronix AFG-1062
Digital oscilloscope: Tektronix TBS 1052-B

High Performance Desktop Computers

3D Printers